I Haven’t Actually Been Dead…

thank you gif

To those of you that thought I was dead….to those of you that WISHED I were dead…well, sorry to disappoint you, but I’m actually not.

I’ve been busy.

Sorry, I used the “b” word….

My family is getting ready to move, I had a graduation party (for me!) coming up.  I’m working a lot because I’m poor.

Yatayatayata!  Who cares!?

I’m back.  Here to continue writing inspirational posts about persevering as writers…here to continue writing about blogging…here to promote my story.  And with more effort.

I’m at 420 followers.  It’s such an honor to be a nag to so many people! (yes, you read that correctly)


12 thoughts on “I Haven’t Actually Been Dead…”

  1. I was going to write “oh damn, he’s still alive!” But my warped sense of humour doesn’t go down so well on WP so instead I’ll just say 🤗 And congrats on graduating!! Elithius is still in my TBR pile 😉

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