When You Finally Get An Acceptance Letter from a Publisher

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Let me tell you, it feels great!

I’ve gotten plenty of rejection letters from publishing companies and literary agents alike.  They usually start out with a “thank you”, which is never a good sign…because after the “thank you” comes a “but”.

But not this time.

Recently, someone from Z Publishing reached out to me (through this blog!) and asked if I would like to submit an excerpt of my book to be featured in an anthology.  How could I refuse???  I still had to go through the submission process just like everyone else, but my excerpt would have a higher likelihood of being accepted because it was a “solicited manuscript”.

Still, higher chance of success or not, getting that email from Z Publishing was awesome, because it’s the first acceptance letter I’ve ever received.  Check it out 🙂

Acceptance Letter

Basically, it says that my submission was accepted, that it’s going to be published, and it also explained what steps have to be taken next.

To give you some more information: my excerpt is going to be a part of anthology.  The anthology features emerging writers in America…that’s actually what the series is called!  Every year, Z Publishing rounds up all the upcoming authors in America and compiles excerpts of their novels into an anthology.  To be counted as an “emerging writer” is certainly a compliment!

thank you gif

If anything, hopefully this shows that blogging IS good for something.  They found me through this blog, which means something similar could happen to YOU!  I’m not expecting that I’m going to become famous or anything (my excerpt is one among many!) but it’s still something that I can credit to my name in the literary world.  “With an excerpt featured in Z Publishing’s Anthology”.  Always persevere with blogging, it pays off!

I’ll be giving you more news about this crazy shindig as it comes to me.  Cheers!

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